Saturday, 29 February 2020

Life Inside an Afghan Women’s Prison


For Boris Johnson, Britain’s Baby Boom Starts at 10 Downing


After 18 Years, Is This Afghan Peace, or Just a Way Out?


In Graying Japan, Many Are Vulnerable but Few Are Being Tested


Photos From America’s Longest War


4 Takeaways From the U.S. Deal With the Taliban


Friday, 28 February 2020

Could deepfakes be used to train office workers?

A consultancy that makes business training videos is advertising for a "deepfake expert".

from BBC News - Technology

M.I.T. Researchers Cast Doubt on Bolivian Election Fraud


Ukraine Is Threatening to Arrest Its Former President


A Mexican Police Chief’s Handshake Deal With a Sicario


AI ethics plan agreed by Catholic Church and tech giants

The Church signed up to the future of AI - an ethical one - along with Microsoft and IBM.

from BBC News - Technology

Journalist’s Murder Puts a Tycoon, and a Nation, on Trial


Coronavirus: Amazon removes overpriced goods and fake cures

The retail giant is removing fake cures and tackling unreasonable price hikes amid public concern.

from BBC News - Technology

Indian Police Sweep Through Riot Zone, Making More Arrests


Turkey Vows to Resist Attacks Against Its Forces in Syria


Nigeria Records Sub-Saharan Africa’s First Coronavirus Case


Coronavirus: Plague Inc. game banned in China

Plague Inc. puts users in control of a disease which they must develop into a global pandemic.

from BBC News - Technology

As Israel Votes Again (and Again), Arabs See an Opportunity


Robot taught empathy through pain, and other tech news

BBC Click’s Soila Apparicio looks at some of the best technology news stories of the week.

from BBC News - Technology

He Drove Her to the Hospital. She Gave Him the Coronavirus.


Thursday, 27 February 2020

Coronavirus: Livestreaming karaoke and reality TV in virus-hit China

Reality shows in China have found creative ways to keep going while people are urged to stay home.

from BBC News - Technology

Has Australia Imagined its Relaxed Identity?


In Syria and Libya, Trump Is Torn Over 2 Wars, and 2 Strongmen


West Midlands to get access to ultrafast home broadband

The West Midlands gigabit switch-on is the largest in the UK, says Virgin Media, but comes at a price.

from BBC News - Technology

Protecting whales from the noise people make in the ocean

Oil drilling and construction is creating a din for sealife - new tech is hoping to turn the volume down.

from BBC News - Technology

It’s Not the Plague, but Milan Isn’t Itself Either


Britain and the E.U. Enter Trade Talks, Acrimoniously


Iranian Vice President Hit With Virus


Secret Passage Dating to 1660 Is Found Inside U.K. Parliament


Google asked to justify Toronto 'digital-city' plan

Sister company Sidewalk Labs must explain why it has chosen digital solutions over non-digital ones.

from BBC News - Technology

YouTube 'not a public forum' with guaranteed free speech

First Amendment rights do not force YouTube to host or promote videos, a court rules.

from BBC News - Technology

Clearview AI: Face-collecting company database hacked

Many law-enforcement agencies in the US use Clearview AI's facial-recognition technology.

from BBC News - Technology

Violence Continues in New Delhi, and the Police Are Criticized


Most Coronavirus Cases Are Mild. That’s Good and Bad News.


Scarred and Weary, an Afghan Force Wonders: What Is Peace?


Wednesday, 26 February 2020


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